Community Update for week of 12/19/2022
Update to Residents on 12/20/2022 Warmest Wishes for the Holidays! Whether you are leaving Kendal for the holidays or staying on campus we wish everyone to have a joyous holiday. Christmas – Dec. 25 Hanukkah – Dec. 18 – Dec. 26 Kwanza – Dec. 26 – Jan. 1 The Staff Twelve Days of Christmas

Community Updates for Week of 5/16/2022
a video of the Oberlin Big Parade posted on YouTube. Be sure to see the Kendal Lawn Chair Brigade! Fitness Center Survey It’s not too late to give your input about our Fitness Center programs and offerings. Please use this survey to give us your feedback. Thank

Community Update for Week of 5/23/2022
and Rotarians helped weed and plant the Martin Luther King Jr park in Oberlin. We also worked on the welcome sign at the corner of Maple and Rt. 58. These signs in several parts of the city are a part of Kendal since they were designed at least 10-12 years ago by Kendal Founder and much loved

Community Update for Week of 6/6/2022
to re-evaluate once again. Coffee Hour on Thursday June 9, at 9:30 AM in the Fox & Fell. Also available on KOTV and via Zoom. The Zoom link is: (Meeting ID: 891 5515 5334). We welcome you whether you are on KOTV, ZOOM or in person. This meeting is open

Community Update for week of 3/20/2023
Conferences: COVID STATISTICS as of 3/21/2023 VACCINATIONS # Vaccinated Population % of Pop Kendal at Oberlin vaccinations Residents Vaccinated 343 343 100.0% Staff Vaccinated (some have Medical or Religious Exemption) 227 230 98.7% Total Residents + Staff vaccinated 570

Community Update for week of 4/3/2023
/03/covid-booster-shot/ COVID STATISTICS as of 4/4/2023 VACCINATIONS # Vaccinated Population % of Pop Kendal at Oberlin vaccinations Residents Vaccinated 343 343 100.0% Staff Vaccinated (some have Medical or Religious Exemption) 230 233 98.7% Total Residents + Staff vaccinated 573 576 99.5