Faces of Kendal: Dave Scholl
Published: September 18, 2023 We introduce you to David Scholl in this edition of “The Faces of Kendal.” Kendal at Oberlin is home to more than 300 men and women in their 60s and well beyond. They come from near (Oberlin and Cleveland) and far (Hawaii, Canada and elsewhere). The residents share

Faces of Kendal: Dorothy Luciano
Published: March 17, 2023 Kendal is home to more than 300 men and women in their 60s and well beyond. They come from near (Oberlin and Cleveland) and far (Hawaii, Canada and elsewhere). The residents share many common values, such as sustainability and lifelong learning, and many have ties

Faces of Kendal - Mary Behm
Published: January 15, 2025 Kendal at Oberlin is home to more than 300 people in their 60s and well beyond. They come from near (Oberlin and Cleveland) and far (Hawaii, Canada and elsewhere). The residents share many common values, such as sustainability and lifelong learning, and many have ties

Faces of Kendal: Joyce Benjamin
Published: February 12, 2025 Kendal at Oberlin is home to more than 300 people in their 60s and well beyond. They come from near (Oberlin and Cleveland) and far (Hawaii, Canada and elsewhere). The residents share many common values, such as sustainability and lifelong learning, and many have ties

Hometown Heroes: Celebrating Community Support During COVID-19
meditation sessions, and continues to do so weekly. “She saved us psychologically” Barbara said. Retired Oberlin police officer Kyle Michalak is a familiar face at Kendal too. His mother Joyce lived there for nearly 20 years. Using his 3D printer, Kyle made 3D facial masks and donated them to Kendal

Gay and Growing Old
to consider the challenges older gay men and women face. Gay and growing old Because many LGBTQ adults often don’t identity their sexual orientation in surveys and elsewhere, SAGE and others rely on estimates. Of the 2.7 million to 3 million LGBT adults over age 50, one-third live at or below

Kendal at Oberlin Earns Recognition in Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI)
Oberlin, Ohio (6/11/2023) – Kendal at Oberlin is happy to announce its designation as a “LGBTQ+ Long-Term Care Equality High Performer” in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and SAGE’s Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI). The LEI is the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey of residential long

A Community Responds with Pain and Purpose
the courage to face the world as it is, and to be unrelenting in their desire to see it change. To that end, this upcoming year I will establish a Presidential Initiative for faculty and students that seeks to address issues of violence, police-community relationships, and racial injustices. One could imagine

30 Years of Caring
, and raise money with a creative basket raffle (basket organizers pictured below). This year, they also had a physician come to campus to speak about the communication challenges those with dementia face, and opened the talk to the public. This fall, Kendal