5 results, Page 1 of 1

A Community Responds with Pain and Purpose


the courage to face the world as it is, and to be unrelenting in their desire to see it change. To that end, this upcoming year I will establish a Presidential Initiative for faculty and students that seeks to address issues of violence, police-community relationships, and racial injustices. One could imagine

Laughter: A New Prescription for Good Health


and YouTube videos. The program is guided by four elements: clapping, breathing exercises, childlike playfulness and laughing exercises. Laughter guru Dr. Madan Kataria says all can benefit from Laugher Yoga, especially older adults, college students, and people with cancer and depression. Kendal at Oberlin’s

Kendal at Oberlin - 5 Years in Mather Age Well Study


A 5-year study of health and wellness among more than 8,000 residents of life plan communities across the country found that residents are doing quite well compared to older adults living in the community at large. The findings from the Mather Institute “Age Well Study” are not surprising to Kendal

Therapist Matt Baloun Recognized


that Matt Baloun and his team at Kendal at Oberlin were going to see drastic drops to their overall caseload and residents might be at risk of isolation and functional declines. This simply wasn’t the case. Matt got creative in his scheduling approach and presented a plan which allowed dedicated clinicians

Kendal Residents in Age Well Study


 “The Age Well Study” is a five-year, nationwide study examining the impact of residing in a Life Plan Community on residents’ health and wellness. Kendal at Oberlin is one of 122 Life Plan Communities participating in the study, conducted by the Mather Institute.  The Year 4 survey