54 results, Page 2 of 6

How to Practice Gratitude


,” writes Dr. Michael Fishman. Even smiles of appreciation are hard to convey from behind a face mask. But there’s still lots we can do. Sending cards and letters is safe (or e-cards and emails). Along with telling loved ones how much we appreciate them, send a thank-you card to the local health or police

Laughter: A New Prescription for Good Health


and YouTube videos. The program is guided by four elements: clapping, breathing exercises, childlike playfulness and laughing exercises. Laughter guru Dr. Madan Kataria says all can benefit from Laugher Yoga, especially older adults, college students, and people with cancer and depression. Kendal at Oberlin’s

The Resident Stories of Kendal Collects 2017


Following are some of the resident stories behind “Kendal Collects – 2017,” a biennial art show at Kendal at Oberlin that featured over 80 cherished artworks from residents’ private art collections. This year, a series of blogs and videos highlight some of the personal connections residents have

Values in Action: Environmental Sustainability


Published: April 27, 2022   Kendal at Oberlin, and Kendal Corporation’s other affiliates are independent and not part of, or sponsored by any religious or social institution, but they were founded and continue to grow with intentional regard for the principles of the Religious Society of Friends

Yoga Teacher Training: Never Too Old


would force me to face a long-held fear of speaking in front of a group. For most of my life I had been able to avoid being in front of a room, but I grew weary of standing back when there was something I really wanted to say. Early on I came across a quote from marathon runner John Bingham

Kendal at Oberlin - 5 Years in Mather Age Well Study


A 5-year study of health and wellness among more than 8,000 residents of life plan communities across the country found that residents are doing quite well compared to older adults living in the community at large. The findings from the Mather Institute “Age Well Study” are not surprising to Kendal

2021 State of Kendal Community


Published: November 29, 2021 The annual meeting of the Kendal at Oberlin Residents Association (KORA) took place a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, and the president’s report was full of items to be thankful for. “We have learned how to live in this COVID world,” Mary Behm told a packed house

80 Miles in 8 Days


Kendal at Oberlin Resident Walks to Celebrate 80th Birthday Kendal resident Jim Walsh walks regularly for exercise around and near the KaO campus, but he’s planning to “step it up” a notch as he approaches his 80th birthday. Jim will walk 10 miles per day for 8 days – a total of 80 miles – just

Fundamental Kendal Beliefs and Dining Matters


. In these communities there is the spirit of shared responsible for health and strength of the institution and of each other. In a conversation with Sean Kelly, Kendal Corporation CEO, he told me that maybe as many as 90% of senior living communities trend toward the cruise ship model, leaving only about 10