18 results, Page 2 of 2

Residents and College Students Connect in Oberlin


come to a Kendal class,” Jill said. The two sessions in December involved both movement and discussion, with participants ranging in age from late teens to 70+. “I think the conversation was the most important part. The students had a lot of good questions and were surprised at some of the answers

Intergenerational Benefits and Opportunities at Kendal at Oberlin


drugs 27% less likely to begin using alcohol 52% less likely to skip school 37% less likely to skip a class 33% less likely to hit someone Communities benefit, too, with an increase in social cohesion, mutual trust and common purpose. Just ask the people who live and work at Kendal, designated

Why Kendal Early Learning Center is Tops


Published: June 28, 2024   When Jeni Hoover meets someone and says she works with children at Kendal at Oberlin she often hears this reply – “what are you doing with kids at Kendal?”  “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard that,” says Jeni, who has been director of the Kendal Early

Oberlin’s Rich History of Diversity


in the education of African Americans; an abolitionist hotbed and a major stopover on the Underground Railroad; active in reform movements, including women’s rights. This nearly two-century tradition of supporting diversity continues today in the city and college, and, since 1993, at Kendal

Conscious Discipline: a Skill for All Ages


Published: August 18, 2023 Walking around an exhibit hall at an NAEYC conference, Kendal Early Learning Center Director Jeni Hoover came across a Conscious Discipline (CD) booth. She was curious, explored deeper and it didn’t take long for her to “catch” the CD “fever.” Now, 12 years later

Oberlin College Students Study Intergenerational Programs at Kendal


Published: January 23, 2020 Oberlin College students Mikaela de Lemos and Marika Mortimer-Lotke embarked on a 30-hour class project about the benefits of intergenerational learning. They visited Kendal at Oberlin’s Early Learning Center and interviewed both community residents and parents

Indigenous Peoples’ Day


year’s proclamation. Indigenous peoples’ movement at Kendal  Addressing the myriad of issues surrounding the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples has gained traction at Kendal and in January residents decided to form the Indigenous Peoples Interest Group. The group’s mission is “to educate our community

Celebrating Black History Month - 2021


+ features five family movies for Black History Month. Kendal residents have put together a “civil rights film festival” that they can watch from the safety of their home. Also in keeping with ASALH’s Black family theme, the February issue of Kendal’s monthly resident newsletter, The Kendalight

Reading List: Learning About Racial Inequality


that’s what learning is about — trying to understand other people’s perspectives.” What are you reading these days?   Learn More About Kendal at Oberlin – A Vibrant Community for Older Adults Are you making plans for your future? Kendal at Oberlin offers an active lifestyle, with opportunities