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Conscious Discipline: a Skill for All Ages


Published: August 18, 2023 Walking around an exhibit hall at an NAEYC conference, Kendal Early Learning Center Director Jeni Hoover came across a Conscious Discipline (CD) booth. She was curious, explored deeper and it didn’t take long for her to “catch” the CD “fever.” Now, 12 years later

New Year New Exercise


physical – and fun – activity that often falls by the wayside as we age is dancing. But dancing shouldn’t be pushed aside because it offers lots of benefits for older adults, Kendal Wellness Coordinator Jill Tvaroha told Kendall residents during a recent Zoom gathering. And dancing is for everyone

Healthy Aging: The Friendship Factor


.” Kendal Residents Share their Friendship Stories “Under the best of circumstances, moving to a new place is challenging, but the pandemic added another layer of difficulty,” says Lillie Long, who moved to Kendal with her husband (and best friend) Nick last spring. Despite the restrictions on group

Take a Hike - Discover Hiking in Northeast Ohio with Kendal at Oberlin


, studies have found that simply spending 10 to 20 minutes a day outdoors can lead to increased well-being and happiness — and decreased amounts of stress.” Reaping the benefits of nature at Kendal at Oberlin Kendal resident Kathy Caldwell’s early morning nature walks with her dog Heidi attest

Holiday Lights – Near & Not so Far


taking a tour of holiday light displays, near and not so far. The lights are on… Like many families, many Kendal residents like to do their own thing when it comes to taking in the holiday lights. This week residents will climb aboard the Kendal bus and head to some of their favorite decorated homes

Travel Trends


in transit,” Conde Nast writes.  By the way, reducing air travel is “the single most effective way to address climate change” according to Kendal resident Ted Wolner, who wears many environmental hats. If an airplane is you’re only travel option, as it was for Ted when he went to Spain in 2015, you

Gardening: Good for Body and Soul


to smaller homes, including life plan communities. Kendal’s Community Garden The community garden, currently comprised of 34 plots, has been part of Kendal since its first summer in 1994. While many residents cultivate smaller gardens around their cottages, the community garden gives other residents

Lorain County JVS Carpentry Students Build Mud Kitchens


JVS students Joseph Woolf, (Oberlin) and Tamarr Long, (Elyria) finish the roof on one of the mud kitchens for Kendal Early Learning Center. Lorain County JVS Carpentry students and a few tenth graders came together to build two mud kitchens for Kendal Early Learning Center in Oberlin. Jeni Hoover

Embrace Winter


Kendal at Oberlin – A Vibrant Community for Older Adults Are you making plans for your future? Kendal at Oberlin offers an active lifestyle with opportunities for lifelong learning, art and culture. Request a Brochure In the past, Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin