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Diet Considerations for a Healthy MIND


frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years. Now we are happy to have her writing for the Kendal at Oberlin Community. Kendal at Oberlin is a nonprofit life plan community serving older adults in northeast Ohio. Located about one mile

Myths about Sexuality and Aging


years. We are happy to have her now writing for the Kendal at Oberlin community. Kendal at Oberlin is a nonprofit life plan community serving older adults in northeast Ohio. Located about one mile from Oberlin College and Conservatory and about 40 minutes from downtown Cleveland, Kendal offers a vibrant resident-led lifestyle with access to music, art and lifelong learning. Stay connected to our community!  Subscribe to the Kendal Connection.

Holidays 2020: Make it Simple & Comfy


Adults: Planning for Your Own Future Brings the Gift of Peace-of-mind.  A life plan community like Kendal at Oberlin can be a source of comfort and security.  To learn more, schedule a "Walk and Talk" virtual tour with Elisabeth today.    In the past, Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years. Now we are happy to have her writing for the Kendal at Oberlin Community.

The Why and How of Travel


thrive on novelty, and travel offers the complete package with new faces, sounds and sights," she says. Here are 4 more reasons why travel can makes us happier: We are more likely to engage in conversations with strangers, whether it’s in a pub or on a bus, and these social interactions bring joy. We

National Parks to Visit in the Midwest


to Your Must-visit List! Small town charm, metropolitan amenities. Plan a visit to Oberlin soon for unique shops, restaurants and more!   Plan Your Trip   In the past, Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years. Now we are happy to have her writing for the Kendal at Oberlin Community.