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Gear Up and Get Outside!


, the latter which sells Patagonia, North Face, Columbia and other outdoor brands. Both outlets offer lots of expert advice too, like how to choose base layers and winter coats, even “how to go to the bathroom in the woods.” Good walking shoes or boots are always important, but especially in icy and cold

Contact Tracing: What and Why


the time the patient was isolated. This includes people who were wearing a face covering, which is meant to prevent someone from transmitting the disease and not to protect someone from becoming infected. How do I know the contact caller is legit? Good question. According to the Ohio Department of Health

Stretch Your Muscles Right


, Kendal’s Wellness Coordinator at Kendal who recently gave a presentation on stretching properly.   We all know it’s important to stretch before and after exercising, but make it last 5 to 10 minutes or longer, Jill says. And you might need a timer or stopwatch to reach your goal. Also try to stretch

FAQ: 5 Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccine


provider for assistance.  About Kendal at Oberlin: Kendal is a nonprofit life plan community serving older adults in northeast Ohio. Located about one mile from Oberlin College and Conservatory, and about a 40 minute drive from downtown Cleveland, Kendal offers a vibrant resident-led lifestyle

Holiday Meals: Think Small & Outside the Box


not be as festive as years past, try to include a side dish that feeds your heart too. Kendal resident and retired Professor of Religion Malcolm Peel will be serving up kindness in three flavors. “I expect to pass through life but once. --- If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, any good

Let's Talk About Loneliness


a COVID pod or bubble, such as several dozen Kendal at Oberlin residents have done. Kendal residents have also been creative and come up with fun ways to be with others, such as playing music outdoors and in garages and putting together videos to share with family. "Ideally, what we want to do is find