18 results, Page 1 of 2

Gay and Growing Old


to consider the challenges older gay men and women face. Gay and growing old Because many LGBTQ adults often don’t identity their sexual orientation in surveys and elsewhere, SAGE and others rely on estimates. Of the 2.7 million to 3 million LGBT adults over age 50, one-third live at or below

Tipping & Year-End Giving


their exceptional service. Some places of employment have rules about tipping. For instance, Kendal at Oberlin staff are not allowed to accept tips. But twice a year, residents are asked to donate to a fund that is divided among the staff. Thank-you notes and cards, however, are acceptable and always

Values in Action: Welcoming Diversity


Published: July 27, 2022 Kendal at Oberlin, and Kendal Corporation’s other affiliates are independent and not part of, or sponsored by any religious or social institution, but they were founded and continue to grow with intentional regard for the principles of the Religious Society of Friends, also

Kendal at Oberlin's Racial Equity Forum


is to “assure Kendal at Oberlin is a community that demonstrates commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in its actions and in its communications.” The forum was also formed to actively participate in pursuing the goals of the Lorain County Racial Equity Agenda, a program of the Lorain County

Celebrating Pride Month and LGBTQ+ Resident Stories - Kendal at Oberlin


Published: June 20, 2023 Pride Month at Kendal at Oberlin began in early June with the life plan community receiving a national designation for being welcoming and equitable toward LGBTQ+ residents, visitors and employees and continues throughout the month with workshops, discussions, movies

Oberlin’s Rich History of Diversity


in the education of African Americans; an abolitionist hotbed and a major stopover on the Underground Railroad; active in reform movements, including women’s rights. This nearly two-century tradition of supporting diversity continues today in the city and college, and, since 1993, at Kendal

Lifecare Explained: Your All-Inclusive Option for Senior Living


. Consider Kendal at Oberlin Kendal at Oberlin offers a range of contractual agreements, including Lifecare, what we call the Platinum Plan. Kendal’s Gold Plan is designed to complement an established long term care insurance policy. Both plans include a flexible meal plan, most utilities, basic cable

Planning to Pay for Long-Term Care


of one’s life, regardless of healthcare needs in the future. On the other hand, a resident with a lifecare contract is paying more on the front end for care services that may not be needed in the future.” Kendal at Oberlin offers a range of contractual agreements, including its Platinum Plan

Tax Scams and CCRC Deduction


’ then the refundable portion could later be taxable as income.” A portion of fees for  Kendal at Oberlin residents are considered pre-paid healthcare expense. The deductible amounts vary from year to year and are determined annually by the community, based on the relative costs of providing care services. To get