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A Resident Founder Shares His Story


Kendal at Oberlin resident Elizabeth Hole heard many wonderful stories when visiting fellow residents who now live in the Stephens Care Center. She decided to record and share some of these stories to portray the vibrant spirit of the people who live here. This first installation of “Voices from

Lifecare Explained: Your All-Inclusive Option for Senior Living


. Consider Kendal at Oberlin Kendal at Oberlin offers a range of contractual agreements, including Lifecare, what we call the Platinum Plan. Kendal’s Gold Plan is designed to complement an established long term care insurance policy. Both plans include a flexible meal plan, most utilities, basic cable

Stretch Your Muscles Right


, Kendal’s Wellness Coordinator at Kendal who recently gave a presentation on stretching properly.   We all know it’s important to stretch before and after exercising, but make it last 5 to 10 minutes or longer, Jill says. And you might need a timer or stopwatch to reach your goal. Also try to stretch

Holiday Meals: Think Small & Outside the Box


not be as festive as years past, try to include a side dish that feeds your heart too. Kendal resident and retired Professor of Religion Malcolm Peel will be serving up kindness in three flavors. “I expect to pass through life but once. --- If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, any good