Kendal at Oberlin Earns Recognition in Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI)
Oberlin, Ohio (6/11/2023) – Kendal at Oberlin is happy to announce its designation as a “LGBTQ+ Long-Term Care Equality High Performer” in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and SAGE’s Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI). The LEI is the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey of residential long

Karen Moore Celebrates 19 Years with Kendal Early Learning Center
Karen Moore has worked at the Kendal Early Learning Center for 19 years, helping children grow and engaging residents in the process. “I love how we are able to bring two generations together,” says Karen, currently an assistant teacher. Our children seem to bring such joy to our grandfriends

Kendal at Oberlin in the News - July 2021
Here is news coverage for Kendal at Oberlin for the month of July, 2021 The Oberlin Review on Kendal at Oberlin Pandemic Experiences The Oberlin Review spotlighted Kendal at Oberlin resident and staff experiences throughout the pandemic in Kendal Lifts COVID-19 Restrictions Amid Low Cases, by Nina

Kendal at Oberlin Early Learning Center Earns National Award
Kendal at Oberlin Early Learning Center has been selected by Mather Institute as a 2023 Honorable Mention recipient of the Promising Practices Award. Now in its thirteenth year, this awards program recognizes organizations that are moving away from conventional practices by developing