gold microphone on yellow background


Check in here for links to podcasts from Kendal at Oberlin, a nonprofit life plan community serving older adults in Northeast Ohio.

Memories of WWII

These audio recordings are from the original interviews of four residents recollecting their experience during the war, recorded by Mary Behm. Introduction and close for each recording was voiced by Quinn Barbee. They were created in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in collaboration with the Oberlin College Cinema Studies group, who produced a video from this material. Read more about the project and see the video on the blog, Kendal at Oberlin: Memories of WWII.

soldier WWII

John Matsushima

John was interned with his family in the Minidoka camp after Pearl Harbor until he was drafted into the Army.

3 soldiers - WWII

Bill Rice

Bill served in the 100th infantry division in Europe.

Jim Sunshine

Jim served in Europe as a medic in the Army.

child in Ukraine costume WWII

Mary Van Nortwick

Mary was born in Ukraine during the war. She lived with her parents in displaced persons camps for several years until emigrating to Canada.