28 results, Page 3 of 4

2021 State of Kendal Community


Published: November 29, 2021 The annual meeting of the Kendal at Oberlin Residents Association (KORA) took place a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, and the president’s report was full of items to be thankful for. “We have learned how to live in this COVID world,” Mary Behm told a packed house

Kendal Mom and Son Work in Aging Services


Kim Leek, Kendal’s Director of Nursing, has a new co-worker – her 17-year-old son Tyler. A 2023 North Olmsted High School graduate, Tyler took advantage of Kendal’s State Tested Nursing Assistant Program and accepted a PRN position as a nurse’s aide at Kendal. He is currently in orientation. Kim

Why I Love Working at Kendal at Oberlin...


Deb Lindner has been a housekeeper at Kendal at Oberlin for 14 years. As she cleans apartments in the Stephens Care Center, she chats with residents, sharing stories and answering questions. “I know every single resident like I know my own grandmother,” she says. Working in resident’s homes means

Recognizing Service Anniversaries at Kendal


Meet Ramie Ybarra Every year the Kendal community celebrates employee tenure anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years) with an appreciation program. On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Kendal at Oberlin honored 27 employees for service milestones. Meet one of them: Ramie Ybarra has spent her

Kendal Staff Exemplify Kendal Values


Kendal at Oberlin Housekeeping Supervisor Denise Makay was featured in an article in the “Meeting Ground” section of KendalNet in March 2018. KendalNet is the intranet for Kendal staff, and “Meeting Ground” is the section that features relevant Kendal staff news from around the affiliate system

Therapist Matt Baloun Recognized


that Matt Baloun and his team at Kendal at Oberlin were going to see drastic drops to their overall caseload and residents might be at risk of isolation and functional declines. This simply wasn’t the case. Matt got creative in his scheduling approach and presented a plan which allowed dedicated clinicians

Careers in Aging


. Yes, we need more STNAs and nurses and geriatricians, but also physical therapists, fitness instructors, grief counselors and creative arts therapists. Add to the mix the popularity of retirement communities such as Kendal at Oberlin and the demand for cooks and servers, housekeepers and grounds

Kendal Staff Benefits: Personalized Wellness Programs


One of the many staff benefits offered for those working at Kendal at Oberlin are the free staff wellness opportunities offered to employees. Employees can use the swimming pool and exercise equipment in their free time, plus attend  classes designed just for them. In the past couple of years

Traveling is Back!


years, and older clients are concerned about having fewer healthy years left to travel,” says Stephanie Papaioannou, a vice president at the luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent. Kendal at Oberlin is home to many men and women who enjoy traveling near and far, whether for adventure, leisure