103 results, Page 7 of 12

Take a Hike - Discover Hiking in Northeast Ohio with Kendal at Oberlin


, studies have found that simply spending 10 to 20 minutes a day outdoors can lead to increased well-being and happiness — and decreased amounts of stress.” Reaping the benefits of nature at Kendal at Oberlin Kendal resident Kathy Caldwell’s early morning nature walks with her dog Heidi attest

Yoga is For All


to the wall. You can remain in this position for 5 to 15 minutes. Kendal embraces yoga In a recent fitness survey the number one requested class by Kendal residents and staff was yoga. And the Wellness staff responded with a schedule that includes an assortment of different types of yoga, such as chair

Red & Orange on Your Dinner Plate


in Elyria.   And if you need yet another reason to eat locally grown produce, remember buying locally supports your farming neighbors and reduces transportation and other stresses on the environment. A favorite orange dish at Kendal  Here’s a fall favorite recipe from Kendal Executive Chef Scott Stonestreet

Holiday Lights – Near & Not so Far


taking a tour of holiday light displays, near and not so far. The lights are on… Like many families, many Kendal residents like to do their own thing when it comes to taking in the holiday lights. This week residents will climb aboard the Kendal bus and head to some of their favorite decorated homes

One Potty-stop Car Trips


about “One Potty-stop Trips?’’ Before heading out, pack accordingly for your “Responsible RestartOhio” outing. Along with face mask, hand sanitizer and wipes, a small roll of toilet paper might come in handy. (You just never know). Pack a light cooler (go easy on the liquids), maybe a blanket

Travel Trends


in transit,” Conde Nast writes.  By the way, reducing air travel is “the single most effective way to address climate change” according to Kendal resident Ted Wolner, who wears many environmental hats. If an airplane is you’re only travel option, as it was for Ted when he went to Spain in 2015, you

Stretch Your Muscles Right


, Kendal’s Wellness Coordinator at Kendal who recently gave a presentation on stretching properly.   We all know it’s important to stretch before and after exercising, but make it last 5 to 10 minutes or longer, Jill says. And you might need a timer or stopwatch to reach your goal. Also try to stretch

Entertaining 101


Chicken. We love to cook and often get inspiration from celebrity chef’s Instagram pages, like Ina Garten. We are usually inspired to host people after seeing a chef post a recipe on their social media accounts like an Apple Cider old fashioned or a Cauliflower gratin.“  Kendal residents have found

Gardening: Good for Body and Soul


to smaller homes, including life plan communities. Kendal’s Community Garden The community garden, currently comprised of 34 plots, has been part of Kendal since its first summer in 1994. While many residents cultivate smaller gardens around their cottages, the community garden gives other residents