69 results, Page 3 of 8

Tennis Anyone?


outdoor tennis courts were designed and built soon after Kendal opened in 1993. “Kendal Founders Toni and Bill Renfrow and Ken and Gretchen Roose, good tennis friends in Oberlin, wanted to be sure we had two soft-surface courts to attract and retain tennis players who would play together. Both Ken

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: 2023 Trends


you’re traveling with one small suitcase, make each piece count.) support such nonprofits as Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Little Free Library and Goodwill by donating items no longer needed. Kendal Recycling & Other Sustainability Initiatives In 1993, Kendal at Oberlin was founded on many Quaker values

Fundamental Kendal Beliefs and Dining Matters


. In these communities there is the spirit of shared responsible for health and strength of the institution and of each other. In a conversation with Sean Kelly, Kendal Corporation CEO, he told me that maybe as many as 90% of senior living communities trend toward the cruise ship model, leaving only about 10

Living Well with Dementia


Published: October 28, 2022   The theme of this year’s Dementia Action Alliance Conference was “living well with dementia” and the Kendal residents and staff who attended the Indianapolis conference saw countless examples of people doing just that. From board members and presenters who introduced

A Resident Founder Shares His Story


Kendal at Oberlin resident Elizabeth Hole heard many wonderful stories when visiting fellow residents who now live in the Stephens Care Center. She decided to record and share some of these stories to portray the vibrant spirit of the people who live here. This first installation of “Voices from

Expressions of Gratitude: Ralph Turner


Ralph Turner looked at the world through the eyes of a scientist.  “All sciences from A (astronomy) to Z (zoology),” the retired Oberlin College psychology professor wrote in the bio that accompanied his move to Kendal in 1993. Ralph’s ham radio also came with him, along with reel-to-reel

Kendal at Oberlin is a 2022 Tree Campus® Healthcare Organization


The Arbor Day Foundation Recognizes Kendal and the Health Benefit of Trees Good news for Kendal at Oberlin and the John Bartram Arboretum! The Arbor Day Foundation has named Kendal at Oberlin a 2022 Tree Campus® Healthcare institution for its commitment to planting, nurturing, and celebrating trees

The Conversation Project


Published: November 8, 2023 For several years Kendal has been offering workshops about the importance of talking with loved ones about end-of-life decisions. At the start of the workshop residents often comment, “My family isn’t ready for this,” but return after having the conversation to say, “I

Back to School for Older Adult Students


the classroom online, so even distance is no longer a deterrent to lifelong learning.   What a Great Time to be an Older Student! Just ask Kendal resident Nanette Holben. “I am enrolled in an Oberlin College course focusing on Ukrainian literature and film of the 20th century—a reflection of my family