731 results, Page 81 of 82

Cholesterol: The Good, Bad and Awful


cholesterol and your HDL levels) to determine your risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years. Smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and family history of early heart disease increase your risk. So take good care of yourself. Practice TLC, follow your doctor’s recommendations for screening and quit smoking.     Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years.

Pros & Cons of Vacationing with Your Friends


needs and preferences and come prepared. Have you traveled with a friend? Tell us about your experience and pass along any tips. Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years.

Taking Your Exercise Routine to the Next Level


favorite music and dance.   Hold onto the kitchen counter while cooking and stretch. Consider purchasing a Fitbit or other fitness tracker to help motivate you to stay active throughout the day. Along with tracking “steps,” many of the trackers also track heart rate.   Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years.

Money Safety Tips When You Travel


with your receipts, and immediately contact the credit card company if they do not.   Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years.

Mental Health Month: Risky Business


, exercise and sex. More Mental Health Info During, before and after Mental Health Month, your mental health is important at Kendal at Oberlin. Read these blogs about mental health if you want to learn more: Dance Your Way to Better Physical and Mental Health The Healing Effects of Music 4 Benefits of Volunteering To learn more, contact us online or by calling 800-548-9469 or 440-775-0094.

COVID-19 Updates


COVID-19 News


Stacy Terrell


Life Enriching Travel


; this challenging wilderness survival course gives you the opportunity to experience the abundance nature provides to those with the awareness to notice.” Let us know about a trip you took that brought you home “a little different” because of what you experienced, learned or shared.   Molly Kavanaugh frequently wrote about Kendal at Oberlin for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she was a reporter for 16 years.